CTRU investigator publishes review of nutrition intervention in heart failure

Dr. Lilian Sattler and Dr. Renad Abu-Sawwa, of the UGA Clinical & Administrative Pharmacy Department, along with Drs. Sandra Dunbar and Arshed Quyyumi of Emory University, have written an article entitled, “Nutrition intervention in heart failure: should consumption of the DASH eating pattern be recommended to improve outcomes?” The article covers known details of nutritional status in heart failure patients as well as providing preliminary evidence for recommending the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet to this patient population. To read this article, please see:

Abu-Sawwa, R., Dunbar, S.B., Quyyumi, A.A. et al. Heart Fail Rev (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10741-019-09781-6