Funding Opportunities
Studies that are submitted to the CTRU for approval may receive internal funding based on the merit of the proposed research.
Support for pilot studies are awarded on a competitive basis to support individual investigators and interdisciplinary research teams to generate preliminary data to enhance a specific external grant proposal or required data for meeting external reviewer recommendations for a grant resubmission. The CTRU offers a limited number of these seed grants each year. Priority is given to proposals funded under this mechanism that either:
- Make a compelling case for generating preliminary data to enhance a specific external grant proposal (applicants must commit to applying to one or more specific grant mechanisms by the specified deadlines and should identify specific RFP/PA when possible); or
- Generate required data for meeting reviewer recommendations for a grant resubmission (applicants should identify specific criticisms and indicate how the proposed studies will address these criticisms).
The FY20 CTRU seed grant opportunity will be announced soon. For more information on seed grants, including proposal format and review process, please review the FY20 seed grant announcement or contact us.
The Georgia CTSA Research Opportunities & Collaboration Support (ROCS) database contains information regarding courses, events, funding and programs within the Georgia CTSA that offer opportunities for collaboration and networking with researchers interested in clinical and translational research.
Investigators may also join the Georgia CTSA Weekly E-Roundup newsletter listserve to be kept informed of CTRU and Georgia CTSA events, funding announcements, and other opportunities for networking and collaboration. Please email to request to receive the E-Roundup electronic newsletter.
Pivot is a grant-finding database available to all UGA faculty. Pivot can be searched to find specific funding opportunities (for example, by study topic, deadline, amount awarded, etc.) and email alerts can be set according to these criteria.
More information on how to use Pivot is available here.